Compliance Tests
The Smithy prelude has support for compliance testing for services that use HTTP
as their protocol. It is built on top of regular traits, you can read more about it over here.
Basically, you annotate operations and/or structures (that depends on the type of test being defined) and protocol implementors can generate tests cases to ensure their implementation behaves correctly.
Smithy4s publishes a module that you can use to write compliance test if you're implementing a protocol. Add the following to your dependencies if you use sbt
import smithy4s.codegen.BuildInfo._
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.disneystreaming.smithy4s" %% "smithy4s-compliance-tests" % smithy4sVersion.value
If you use mill
import smithy4s.codegen.BuildInfo._
def smithy4sIvyDeps = Agg(
def ivyDeps = Agg(
The rest of this document will demonstrate how to write a Smithy specification that specify HTTP compliance tests, and then how to use the module mentioned above to run the tests.
Note: currently, only httprequesttests-trait
are supported. other traits support will be integrated soon.
Example specification
$version: "2"
namespace smithy4s.example.test
use smithy.test#httpRequestTests
use smithy.test#httpResponseTests
use alloy#simpleRestJson
service HelloService {
operations: [SayHello, Listen, TestPath]
@http(method: "POST", uri: "/")
id: "say_hello",
protocol: simpleRestJson,
params: {
"greeting": "Hi",
"name": "Teddy",
"query": "Hello there"
method: "POST",
uri: "/",
queryParams: [
headers: {
"X-Greeting": "Hi",
body: "{\"name\":\"Teddy\"}",
bodyMediaType: "application/json"
id: "say_hello"
protocol: simpleRestJson
params: { payload: { result: "Hello!" }, header1: "V1" }
body: "{\"result\":\"Hello!\"}"
headers: { "X-H1": "V1"}
code: 200
operation SayHello {
input: SayHelloInput,
output: SayHelloOutput
errors: [SimpleError, ComplexError]
structure SayHelloInput {
greeting: String,
query: String,
name: String
structure SayHelloOutput {
payload: SayHelloPayload
header1: String
structure SayHelloPayload {
result: String
@http(method: "GET", uri: "/listen")
id: "listen",
protocol: simpleRestJson,
method: "GET",
uri: "/listen"
operation Listen { }
@http(method: "GET", uri: "/test-path/{path}")
id: "TestPath",
protocol: simpleRestJson,
method: "GET",
uri: "/test-path/sameValue"
params: { path: "sameValue" }
operation TestPath {
input := {
path: String
// The following shapes are used by the documentation
service HelloWorldService {
version: "1.0.0",
operations: [Hello]
id: "helloSuccess"
protocol: simpleRestJson
method: "POST"
uri: "/World"
params: { name: "World" }
id: "helloFails"
protocol: simpleRestJson
method: "POST"
uri: "/fail"
params: { name: "World" }
@http(method: "POST", uri: "/{name}", code: 200)
operation Hello {
input := {
name: String
output := {
message: String
id: "simple_error"
protocol: simpleRestJson
params: { expected: -1 }
code: 400
body: "{\"expected\":-1}"
bodyMediaType: "application/json"
requireHeaders: ["X-Error-Type"]
structure SimpleError {
expected: Integer
id: "complex_error"
protocol: simpleRestJson
params: { value: -1, message: "some error message", details: { date: 123, location: "NYC"} }
code: 504
body: "{\"value\":-1,\"message\":\"some error message\",\"details\":{\"date\":123,\"location\":\"NYC\"}}"
bodyMediaType: "application/json"
requireHeaders: ["X-Error-Type"]
id: "complex_error_no_details"
protocol: simpleRestJson
params: { value: -1, message: "some error message" }
code: 504
body: "{\"value\":-1,\"message\":\"some error message\"}"
bodyMediaType: "application/json"
requireHeaders: ["X-Error-Type"]
structure ComplexError {
value: Integer
message: String
details: ErrorDetails
structure ErrorDetails {
date: Timestamp
location: String
We have a very simple specification: one operation with basic input and output shapes. We've added a httpRequestTests
to define a compliance test for protocol implementors.
Testing the protocol
The service in the specification is annotated with the alloy#simpleRestJson
protocol definition. We'll use the compliance-tests
module to make sure this protocol can handle such an operation.
Note: the following code and the compliance-tests
module do not depend on a specific test framework. If you want to hook it into your test framework, it is easy to do so but it's outside the scope of this document. Refer to this example to see how we did it for Weaver
in this project.
First, some imports:
import cats.effect._
import org.http4s._
import org.http4s.client.Client
import smithy4s.compliancetests._
import smithy4s.example.test._
import smithy4s.http.HttpMediaType
import smithy4s.http4s._
import smithy4s.kinds._
import smithy4s.Service
import smithy4s.schema.Schema
Then, you can create and instance of ClientHttpComplianceTestCase
and/or ServerHttpComplianceTestCase
while selecting the protocol to use and the service to test:
object SimpleRestJsonIntegration extends Router[IO] with ReverseRouter[IO] {
type Protocol = alloy.SimpleRestJson
val protocolTag = alloy.SimpleRestJson
def expectedResponseType(schema: Schema[_]) = HttpMediaType("application/json")
def routes[Alg[_[_, _, _, _, _]]](
impl: FunctorAlgebra[Alg, IO]
)(implicit service: Service[Alg]): Resource[IO, HttpRoutes[IO]] =
def reverseRoutes[Alg[_[_, _, _, _, _]]](app: HttpApp[IO],testHost: Option[String] = None)(implicit
service: Service[Alg]
): Resource[IO, FunctorAlgebra[Alg, IO]] = {
import org.http4s.implicits._
val baseUri = uri"http://localhost/"
val suppliedHost = => Uri.unsafeFromString(s"http://$host"))
val tests: List[ComplianceTest[IO]] = HttpProtocolCompliance
.clientAndServerTests(SimpleRestJsonIntegration, HelloWorldService)
Now, you can iterate over the test cases and do what you want. This is where you would hook in the test framework of your choice, but in the following example, we're just going to print the result:
import cats.syntax.traverse._
val runTests: IO[List[String]] = tests
.map { tc => {
case Left(value) =>
s"Failed ${} with the following message: $value"
case Right(_) => s"Success ${}"
Will produce the following when executed:
Success smithy4s.example.test#Hello(client|Request): helloSuccess
Failed smithy4s.example.test#Hello(client|Request): helloFails with the following message: NonEmptyList(path test : the result value: [33mVector[39m([32m"World"[39m) was not equal to the expected TestCase value [33mVector[39m([32m"fail"[39m).)
Success smithy4s.example.test#Hello(server|Request): helloSuccess
Failed smithy4s.example.test#Hello(server|Request): helloFails with the following message: NonEmptyList( the result value: [33mHelloInput[39m(name = [32m"fail"[39m) was not equal to the expected TestCase value [33mHelloInput[39m(name = [32m"World"[39m).)