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Deriving CLIs

  • The Smithy4s Decline module provides the capability to derive a Decline Cli for your service.
  • The cli generated will be in the form of a Command[F[Unit]] where F is the effect type of your service.
  • This module is written in Tagless Final style and requires an F[_] for which there is an instance of cats.MonadThrow
  • Let's revisit our HelloWorld smithy definition from the Quickstart
namespace smithy4s.hello

use alloy#simpleRestJson

service HelloWorldService {
version: "1.0.0",
operations: [Hello]

@http(method: "POST", uri: "/{name}", code: 200)
operation Hello {
input: Person,
output: Greeting

structure Person {
name: String,

town: String

structure Greeting {
message: String

Let's implement the HelloWorld service, we will use cats.effect.IO for our effect type.

import smithy4s.example.hello._
import cats.effect.IO

object HelloWorldServiceInstance{
val simple = new HelloWorldService[IO]{
def hello(name: String, town: Option[String]): IO[Greeting] = {
IO {
Greeting(s"hello $name , who hails from $town")
  • Now Using the decline module from Smithy4s we can wrap the service instance in an instance of a Smithy4sCli.
    • The Smithy4sCli allows the customization of the Opts and stdin/stdout/stderr handling
  • There is a convenient helper method Smithy4sCli.standalone to make it easier to construct Cli's using defaults.
  • To utilize the helper method, wrap the service in an instance of Opts and pass it into Smithy4sCli.standalone
  • there are 2 methods available on the Smithy4sCli instance
    • opts which will provide an Opts[F[Unit]] for the service
    • command which will provide a Command[F[Unit]] for the service. This uses defaults from the Smithy spec
      • command name will use the service name
      • if documentation comments are available on the service , they will be used as the command help text
   import com.monovore.decline._
import smithy4s.decline.Smithy4sCli
val serviceWrappedInOpts = Opts(HelloWorldServiceInstance.simple)
val helloCommand: Command[IO[Unit]] = Smithy4sCli.standalone(serviceWrappedInOpts).command
  • helloCommand is now a runnable Command that can parse command line args and returns an IO[Unit]
  • We can implement a CLI that will run the command and print the result to stdout

import smithy4s.decline.Smithy4sCli
import cats.effect._
import com.monovore.decline._
import com.monovore.decline.effect.CommandIOApp

object app extends IOApp {
override def run(args: List[String]) = {
val helloCommand: Command[IO[ExitCode]] = Smithy4sCli
.standalone(Opts(HelloWorldServiceInstance.simple)) => ExitCode.Error, _ => ExitCode.Success)), args)
  • the command will provide the following interface
 Usage: hello-world-service hello [--output <output>] <name> [<town>]
HTTP POST /{name}
Options and flags:
Display this help text.
--output <output>
Output mode

Smithy to Decline mappings

  • The Service name will be used to generate the top level Command
    • All operations will be mapped to subcommands
  • The Input structure is flattened to top level fields with no nesting
    • All Primitives are mapped to a Positional decline Argument , with the following exceptions.
      • Boolean fields are mapped to a decline Flag
      • Blobs are mapped to take in either stdin(by passing in - ) or a full file path and will produce a Byte array
      • Timestamps are parsed using TimestampFormat.DATE_TIME by default, but @timestampFormat can be used to customize that.
    • Lists and recursive types
      • a top level list is converted to a repeated positional argument (or flag in case of Boolean)
      • All recursive types expect json to be passed in.
    • How is Nesting handled
      • all nested fields are converted to Options
      • a nested list is converted to expect a json i.e. List[String] would expect '["foo","baz","qux"]' as a decline Option
        • when the nested list contains blobs , it will expect a json of base64 encoded strings
  • Help
    • Documentation is added to every field, operation and service - if available. For HTTP operations a path template is provided as well.

Missing Features

  • Collision Handling for un-nesting of nested fields