Service Product
As of smithy4s version 0.18.x
you can also generate a service interface in
which each method doesn't receive an input. Instead, the output of each method
has the usual return type, which already includes the input as a type parameter.
We call this version a "service product" because it can be seen as the product
of all the operations of the service.
To generate a service product, annotate the service definition with
$version: "2"
namespace smithy4s.example.product
use smithy4s.meta#generateServiceProduct
service ExampleService {
operations: [ExampleOperation]
operation ExampleOperation {
input := {
a: String
output := {
b: String
This will generate the following interface:
trait ExampleServiceProductGen[F[_, _, _, _, _]] {
def exampleOperation: F[ExampleOperationInput, Nothing, ExampleOperationOutput, Nothing, Nothing]
and the following implementation of ServiceProduct
object ExampleServiceProductGen extends ServiceProduct[ExampleServiceProductGen]
You will be able to access the service product version of the service like this:
import smithy4s.example.product._
// res0: smithy4s.ServiceProduct.Aux[ExampleServiceProductGen, ExampleServiceGen] = smithy4s.example.product.ExampleServiceProductGen$@7bcdd0ee
Or, more generically:
import smithy4s.ServiceProduct
def productOf[Alg[_[_, _, _, _, _]]](mirror: ServiceProduct.Mirror[Alg]) = mirror.serviceProduct
// example
def exampleProduct = productOf(ExampleService)
With service products, you can call service methods without providing their inputs directly.
Here are a couple ways you can use this as a library author:
Static description of services
import smithy4s.kinds.PolyFunction5
type Describe[_, _, _, _, _] = String
def descriptor[Alg[_[_, _, _, _, _]]](mirror: ServiceProduct.Mirror[Alg]): mirror.Prod[Describe] =
new PolyFunction5[mirror.serviceProduct.service.Endpoint, Describe] {
override def apply[I, E, O, SI, SO](
fa: mirror.serviceProduct.service.Endpoint[I, E, O, SI, SO]
): Describe[I, E, O, SI, SO] =
s"def ${}(input: ${}): ${}"
// Usage
val desc: String = descriptor(ExampleService).exampleOperation
// desc: String = "def ExampleOperation(input: ExampleOperationInput): ExampleOperationOutput"
Non-linear input of operation
import smithy4s.ShapeId
type Id[A] = A
val impl: ExampleService[Id] =
new ExampleService[Id] {
override def exampleOperation(input: String): ExampleOperationOutput = ExampleOperationOutput(
s"Output for $input!"
// impl: ExampleService[Id] = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$anon$2@7508a461
type ListClient[I, _, O, _, _] = List[I] => List[O]
def listClient[Alg[_[_, _, _, _, _]], Prod[_[_, _, _, _, _]]](
impl: smithy4s.kinds.FunctorAlgebra[Alg, Id]
implicit sp: ServiceProduct.Aux[Prod, Alg]
): Prod[ListClient] = sp
new PolyFunction5[sp.service.Endpoint, ListClient] {
private val interp = sp.service.toPolyFunction(impl)
override def apply[I, E, O, SI, SO](
fa: sp.service.Endpoint[I, E, O, SI, SO]
): List[I] => List[O] = => interp(fa.wrap(in)))
listClient(impl)( /* implicit scope problem here - TODO */ ExampleService.serviceProduct)
List("a", "b", "c").map(ExampleOperationInput(_))
// res1: List[ExampleOperationOutput] = List(
// ExampleOperationOutput(b = "Output for a!"),
// ExampleOperationOutput(b = "Output for b!"),
// ExampleOperationOutput(b = "Output for c!")
// )
Fluent service builder
type ToList[_, _, O, _, _] = List[O]
trait EndpointHandlerBuilder[I, E, O, SI, SO] {
def apply(f: I => O): EndpointHandler
sealed trait EndpointHandler {
type I_
type O_
def id: ShapeId
def function: I_ => O_
case class PartialBuilder[Alg[_[_, _, _, _, _]], Prod[_[_, _, _, _, _]]](
mirror: ServiceProduct.Mirror.Aux[Alg, Prod],
handlers: List[EndpointHandler],
) {
private val sp: ServiceProduct.Aux[Prod, Alg] = mirror.serviceProduct
private val ehbProduct = sp
new PolyFunction5[sp.service.Endpoint, EndpointHandlerBuilder] {
override def apply[I, E, O, SI, SO](
fa: sp.service.Endpoint[I, E, O, SI, SO]
): EndpointHandlerBuilder[I, E, O, SI, SO] =
new EndpointHandlerBuilder[I, E, O, SI, SO] {
override def apply(f: I => O): EndpointHandler =
new EndpointHandler {
type I_ = I
type O_ = O
override val id: ShapeId =
override val function: I_ => O_ = f
def build: Alg[ToList] = sp
.algebra(new sp.service.EndpointCompiler[ToList] {
override def apply[I, E, O, SI, SO](
fa: sp.service.Endpoint[I, E, O, SI, SO]
): I => List[O] = {
val matchingHandlers = handlers
.filter( ==
// A bit of type unsafety, to simplify things
.map(_.function.asInstanceOf[I => O])
i =>
def withHandler(
op: Prod[EndpointHandlerBuilder] => EndpointHandler
): PartialBuilder[Alg, Prod] = copy(handlers = handlers :+ op(ehbProduct))
def partialBuilder[Alg[_[_, _, _, _, _]]](
mirror: ServiceProduct.Mirror[Alg]
): PartialBuilder[Alg, mirror.Prod] = new PartialBuilder[Alg, mirror.Prod](mirror, handlers = Nil)
val listService: ExampleServiceGen[ToList] =
.withHandler(_.exampleOperation { (in: ExampleOperationInput) =>
ExampleOperationOutput(s"First output for ${in.a}!")
.withHandler(_.exampleOperation { (in: ExampleOperationInput) =>
ExampleOperationOutput(s"Another output for ${in.a}!")
// listService: ExampleServiceGen[ToList] = smithy4s.example.product.ExampleServiceOperation$Transformed@31b21847
// res2: ToList[ExampleOperationInput, Nothing, ExampleOperationOutput, Nothing, Nothing] = List(
// ExampleOperationOutput(b = "First output for hello!"),
// ExampleOperationOutput(b = "Another output for hello!")
// )