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Add Scala imports to generated code

scalaImports trait provides a mechanism for adding additional imports to smithy4s's generated code. This can be particularly useful when you want to combine type refinements (especially when the type refinements come a third party or in other module) and validators.

Lets say We have a smithy specification and it's accommodated Scala code as below:

$version: "2.0"
namespace test

use smithy4s.meta#refinement

@trait(selector: "integer")
targetType: "myapp.types.PositiveInt"
providerImport: "myapp.types.providers._"
structure PageSizeFormat { }

integer PageSize

structure Input {
pageSize: PageSize


// package myapp.types
// The recommendations from Type refinements docs are also applied here
import smithy4s._

case class PositiveInt(value: Int)
object PositiveInt {

private def isPositiveInt(value: Int): Boolean = value > 0

def apply(value: Int): Either[String, PositiveInt] =
if (isPositiveInt(value)) Right(new PositiveInt(value))
else Left(s"$value is not a positive int")

object providers {

implicit val provider: RefinementProvider[PageSizeFormat, Int, PositiveInt] = Refinement.drivenBy[PageSizeFormat](
(i: PositiveInt) => i.value

Note that the implicit RefinementProvider is not in the companion object of PositiveInt, so that We need to add an providerImport to the refinement trait.

What We have here is PageSize will be generated as a PositiveInt. Which is really nice, but what if you need another validator like @range to limit how big a pageSize can be? So, just let try:

structure Input {
@range(max: 100)
pageSize: PageSize

And compile to see what happen:

[error] 20 |    PageSize.schema.validated(smithy.api.Range(min = None, max = Some(scala.math.BigDecimal(100.0)))).field[Input]("pageSize", _.pageSize).addHints(smithy.api.Default(smithy4s.Document.fromDouble(0.0d))),
[error] | ^
[error] |No implicit value of type smithy4s.RefinementProvider.Simple[smithy.api.Range, test.PageSize] was found for parameter constraint of method validated in trait Schema.
[error] |I found:
[error] |
[error] | smithy4s.RefinementProvider.isomorphismConstraint[smithy.api.Range, A,
[error] | test.PageSize.Type](smithy4s.RefinementProvider.enumRangeConstraint[A],
[error] | /* missing */summon[smithy4s.Bijection[A, test.PageSize.Type]])
[error] |
[error] |But no implicit values were found that match type smithy4s.Bijection[A, test.PageSize.Type].
[error] one error found

This looks scary, but it basically says that We need to create an implicit value of RefinementProvider.Simple[Range, PageSize.Type] and provide it to the file that contains Input structure. We can do the first step by adding this to providers object:

   implicit val rangeProvider: RefinementProvider.Simple[smithy.api.Range, PositiveInt] =
RefinementProvider.rangeConstraint(x => x.value)

Note that the PageSize.Type is PositiveInt

And for the second step, We need to apply scalaImports trait with an appropriate import to Input structure:

namespace test
use smithy4s.meta#scalaImports
use smithy4s.meta#refinement

@trait(selector: "integer")
targetType: "myapp.types.Natural"
providerImport: "myapp.types.providers._"
structure PageSizeFormat {}

integer PageSize

structure Input {
@range(max: 100)
pageSize: PageSize

Now, Smithy4s will validate any PageSize value against range and then refine it into PositiveInt. We have the best of both worlds.