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Optics - Lenses and Prisms

Smithy4s has the ability to render optics (Lens/Prism) instances in the code it generates.

If you're using Smithy4s via mill or sbt, then you can enable this functionality with the following keys:

  • in mill, task: def smithy4sRenderOptics = true
  • in sbt, setting: smithy4sRenderOptics := true

If you are using Smithy4s via the CLI, then they way to utilize this feature is through your Smithy specifications. The simplest approach is to add a file with the following content to your CLI invocation:

$version: "2"

metadata smithy4sRenderOptics = true

Alternatively, if you want to generate optics for only select shapes in your model, you can accomplish this using the smithy4s.meta#generateOptics trait. This trait can be used on enum, intEnum, union, and structure shapes.

use smithy4s.meta#generateOptics

structure MyStruct {
one: String

Optics Usage

Below is an example of using the lenses that smithy4s generates. By default, smithy4s will generate lenses for all structure shapes in your input smithy model(s).

import smithy4s.example._

val input = TestInput("test", TestBody(Some("test body")))
// input: TestInput = TestInput(
// pathParam = "test",
// body = TestBody(data = Some(value = "test body")),
// queryParam = None
// )
val lens = TestInput.optics.body.andThen(
// lens: smithy4s.optics.Optional[TestInput, String] = smithy4s.optics.Optional$$anon$1@4fccb6a7
val resultGet = lens.project(input)
// resultGet: Option[String] = Some(value = "test body")

resultGet == Option("test body") // true
// res1: Boolean = true // true

val resultSet =
lens.replace("new body")(input)
// resultSet: TestInput = TestInput(
// pathParam = "test",
// body = TestBody(data = Some(value = "new body")),
// queryParam = None
// )

val updatedInput = TestInput("test", TestBody(Some("new body")))
// updatedInput: TestInput = TestInput(
// pathParam = "test",
// body = TestBody(data = Some(value = "new body")),
// queryParam = None
// )

resultSet == updatedInput // true
// res2: Boolean = true

You can also compose prisms with lenses (and vice-versa) as in the example below:

import smithy4s.example._

val input = Podcast.Video(Some("Pod Title"))
// input: Podcast.Video = Video(
// title = Some(value = "Pod Title"),
// url = None,
// durationMillis = None
// )

val prism =
// prism: smithy4s.optics.Optional[Podcast, String] = smithy4s.optics.Optional$$anon$1@9601af8
val result = prism.replace("New Pod Title")(input)
// result: Podcast = Video(
// title = Some(value = "New Pod Title"),
// url = None,
// durationMillis = None
// )

Podcast.Video(Some("New Pod Title")) == result // true
// res4: Boolean = true

Smithy4s also provides a value function on Prisms and Lenses that can be used to abstract over NewTypes (similar to what .some does for Option types):

import smithy4s.example._

val input = GetCityInput(CityId("test"))
// input: GetCityInput = GetCityInput(cityId = "test")

val cityName: smithy4s.optics.Lens[GetCityInput, String] = GetCityInput.optics.cityId.value
// cityName: smithy4s.optics.Lens[GetCityInput, String] = smithy4s.optics.Lens$$anon$2@3e2bd3f2
val updated = cityName.replace("Fancy New Name")(input)
// updated: GetCityInput = GetCityInput(cityId = "Fancy New Name")

val result = cityName.project(updated)
// result: Option[String] = Some(value = "Fancy New Name")

Option("Fancy New Name") == result // true
// res6: Boolean = true

Using 3rd Party Optics Libraries

If you'd like to use a third party optics library for more functionality, you can accomplish this by adding an object with a few conversion functions. Here is an example using Monocle.

object MonocleConversions {

implicit def smithy4sToMonocleLens[S, A](
smithy4sLens: smithy4s.optics.Lens[S, A]
): monocle.Lens[S, A] =
monocle.Lens[S, A](smithy4sLens.get)(smithy4sLens.replace)

implicit def smithy4sToMonoclePrism[S, A](
smithy4sPrism: smithy4s.optics.Prism[S, A]
): monocle.Prism[S, A] =

implicit def smithy4sToMonocleOptional[S, A](
smithy4sOptional: smithy4s.optics.Optional[S, A]
): monocle.Optional[S, A] =


Then you can import MonocleConversions._ at the top of any file you need to seamlessly convert smithy4s optics over to Monocle ones.