ZIO usage
You'll need to install an additional dependency in order to use weaver to test ZIO programs.
libraryDependencies += "com.disneystreaming" %% "weaver-zio" % "0.6.15" % Test
testFrameworks += new TestFramework("weaver.framework.ZIO")
object test extends Tests {
def ivyDeps = Agg(
def testFramework = "weaver.framework.ZIO"
Start with the following imports :
import weaver.ziocompat._
Weaver tries to respect ZIO's idiomatic usage, and leverages the ZLayer construct to provide environment. ZLayer
can be trivially constructed from a Managed
(the zio counterpart to cats.effect.Resource
), and therefore encompasses beforeAndAfterAll
Assuming the following module :
import zio._
import org.http4s.client.blaze._
import org.http4s.client._
object modules {
type Http = Has[Client[Task]]
object Http {
def get(uri : String) : RIO[modules.Http, Int] =
ZIO.accessM(_.get.get(uri)(response => UIO(response.status.code)))
import modules._
declare a shared layer as such :
// Needed to instantiate an http4s client against ZIO
import zio.interop.catz._
// ZIOSuite requires the type of the shared layer to be defined as a type
// parameter. That is because zio needs to implicitly derive some type-tag
// instance for its built-in dependency injection mechanism to work.
// NB, the default environment ZEnv is provided by default.
object HttpSuite extends ZIOSuite[Http] {
// Sharing a single layer across all tests
override val sharedLayer : ZLayer[ZEnv, Throwable, Http] =
ZLayer.fromManaged {
val makeHttpClient = ZIO.runtime[Any].map { implicit rts =>
val exec = rts.platform.executor.asEC
test("Standard test") {
for {
statusCode <- Http.get("https://httpbin.org/get")
} yield expect(statusCode == 200)
test("A log module is available") {
for {
_ <- log.info("Calling https://httpbin.org/oops")
statusCode <- Http.get("https://httpbin.org/oops")
} yield expect(statusCode == 404)
Usage without shared layer
If you have no need for a shared layer, you can simply use the following.
Note that you can still use side effects provided by the default environment ZEnv
import zio.duration._
object SimpleExample extends SimpleZIOSuite {
pureTest("no side effect"){
expect("hello".size == 5)
test("with side effects"){
for {
before <- zio.clock.currentDateTime
_ <- zio.clock.sleep(2.second)
after <- zio.clock.currentDateTime
} yield expect(before != after)