ScalaCheck integration
Weaver comes with basic ScalaCheck integration, allowing for property-based testing.
You'll need to install an additional dependency in order to use ScalaCheck with Weaver.
libraryDependencies += "com.disneystreaming" %% "weaver-scalacheck" % "0.6.0-M4" % Test
object test extends Tests {
def ivyDeps = Agg(
Add the weaver.scalacheck.IOCheckers
mixin to use ScalaCheck within your test suite.
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import weaver._
import weaver.scalacheck._
object ForallExamples extends SimpleIOSuite with IOCheckers {
// Using a single `Gen` instance
simpleTest("Single Gen form") {
// Takes a single, explicit `Gen` instance
forall(Gen.posNum[Int]) { a =>
expect(a > 0)
// There is only one overload for the `forall` that takes an explicit `Gen` parameter
// To use multiple `Gen` instances, compose them monadically before passing to `forall`
simpleTest("Multiple Gen form") {
// Compose into a single `Gen[(Int, Int)]`
val gen = for {
a <- Gen.posNum[Int]
b <- Gen.posNum[Int]
} yield (a, b)
// Unapply the tuple to access individual members
forall(gen) { case (a, b) =>
expect(a > 0) and expect(b > 0)
// Using a number of `Arbitrary` instances
simpleTest("Arbitrary form") {
// There are 6 overloads, to pass 1-6 parameters
forall { (a1: Int, a2: Int, a3: Int) =>
expect(a1 * a2 * a3 == a3 * a2 * a1)