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Smithy Build Configuration


Smithy provides the ability to configure the Smithy build and output by a smithy-build configuration file. As smithy4s uses its own build logic, it generally loads its configuration from elsewhere. However, limited support for build customization using a Smithy build configuration file is available. In particular, the OpenAPI plugin can be used to customize the OpenAPI generation.

Customizing OpenAPI generation via smithy build

In order to apply a custom OpenAPI config, you need a smithy-build.json file with the OpenAPI configuration, such as the following:

"version": "1.0",
"plugins": {
"openapi": {
"service": "smithy.example#Weather",
"version": "3.1.0",
"jsonAdd": {
"/info/title": "Replaced title value",
"/info/nested/foo": {
"hi": "Adding this object created intermediate objects too!"
"/info/nested/foo/baz": true

This file can then used to configure codegen via the appropriate SBT setting:

Compile / smithyBuild := Some(baseDirectory.value / "smithy-build.json")

It can also be configured in Mill:

override def smithyBuild = Some(PathRef(millSourcePath / "smithy-build.json"))

Or, if you are using codegen directly via the command line tool, it can be passed via the argument --smithy-build ./smithy-build.json.

The generated OpenAPI should then have the configured transformations applied.